Girls Trip!
Do you regularly take a trip with your girlfriends (or guy friends for my dad followers out there) – without your spouse or kids? Every once in awhile, I get away for a day or two with friends, but this week…drumroll please…I’m getting away and joining up with Courtney on her European Christmas markets tour – and I can’t wait! This girls trip is a full week for me, and nearly two weeks for Courtney.

I often talk about all the good things we teach our kids when we travel as a family, but it’s really good for us as moms to get away on our own, too. As moms, we juggle all the things, we run the family calendar and shuttle kids to all their things, and we do it all while working, keeping up with laundry and the house, and maybe getting a date night here and there with our husbands. And sometimes, we don’t do any of that well – we get burned out.
This is where taking a girls trip comes in. We all need something to look forward to, and I’ve been looking forward to this trip for months. My kids have been asking me about where I’m going – they are excited for me. All three of them grumbled a little about wanting to go too, but they all have school and games and finals. So…I’m off on a solo adventure to meet up with friends.
Where are we going? I skipped the Prague days on the front end – I just couldn’t take those extra days away, and I really want to take the whole family at some point. So, I’m joining the crew in Krakow, Poland, and we will make our way to Budapest, Hungary (pictures and a future post to come).
So, taking it to the next step (or next level girls trip) – this one is even better, because I’m going places I have not been yet. My advice? When you manage to do it, go somewhere new! Whether it is across the country or around the world, travel teaches us so many things.
I consider myself pretty well traveled, and according to my “been” app, I’ve only been to 8% of the world. So many places left to explore!
Get out there and explore – take a girls trip when you can, or make the time and book a trip with friends next month.