JN Group Q&A: The Giant Mom Purse
We have a group chat for the JugglingNormal contributors, and when we started talking about this topic, it became kind of a stream of consciousness. So, in a little different format this time, here is our group conversation about The Giant Mom Purse:
Kristi: I am FREE from baggage.
Jaime: I honestly don’t carry the mom purse most of the time. But I still have it. It gets replaced by the airplane/travel bag (containing coloring stuff, tablets, cards, notebooks, etc.) and various other things, depending on the travel, day trip or occasion.
Courtney: I have a wallet hand sanitizer and a travel tin of Maldon sea salt because I’m the mom who makes kids haul their own crap. Also, good salt is always needed!
Sara: I don’t really either, happily. I have my sweet black and white bag we got at the First Ladies lunch a million years ago, but I use that for my teaching bag. So, pens, hand sanitizer, gum, breath mints, water bottle, lecture notes. When we travel I too have the special travel bag, but that’s different.

Jaime: My kids carry their own crap most of the time. And I make them carry the airplane bag. If all 5 of us are at an event and my husband is speaking, I have to have a large bag to hold the contents of his pockets when he goes up to speak. It’s a little ridiculous.
Sara: Oh, and a couple random fruit snacks and maybe a bandaid or two.
Jaime: Lately, I’ve not had a bag with me for events, but it’s just easier when I do. And usually, it is the travel bag with all the kid distractions that we take everywhere. Plus, snacks. And gum. And the mini first aid kit. Dental floss. Travel hair spray. Hand sanitizer. Wipes (I will always at least carry wipes in the car, if not in my big purse). A mini lint roller. Lip gloss.
I keep my “wallet” stuff in a little Coach clutch that also fits my phone (and that I got at 75% off at the outlet – best ever). It is a neutral color, and I take it everywhere. I generally leave the big purse or travel bag in the house, car or hotel room and only carry the clutch. But I have it!
Kristi: With 3 under 3, we had to take everything everywhere. It was physically and emotionally taxing. 50 pounds of luggage x5 for our month-long South Pacific adventure for example. Ridiculous. Now that they are bigger, we are training them to anticipate their own needs and bring only the essentials. For me, sometimes it means accepting that they will forget something and living with the consequences and prioritizing that free feeling over that. Sometimes, I only grab my phone, ID, and debit card and go!
What’s in your mom purse? We’d love to hear your ideas, too – or if you have a topic you’d like us to cover in a future Group Q&A, feel free to let us know!
JugglingNormal is a collaboration of six moms who juggle all the things life tosses at us. Our Group Q&A is a fun way for us to tackle random topics every couple of weeks (or once a month?). Sign up today for our email newsletter – which also comes out every couple weeks or once a month!
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