Team JN Group Q&A: What are your favorite things about Fall?
Team Juggling Normal has been busy doing all the things and juggling life…and we are catching up with ourselves too! In Colorado, our weather stayed warm well into October, and this last week it finally started cooling down and truly feeling like Fall weather.
In light of that, we thought we’d tackle a new Group Q&A: our favorite things about Fall! Check out our favorites – and let us know what you love about the cooler weather, sweaters, pumpkins and more – or not.

Twins birthdays – who knew October birthdays were so fun?
Getting into holiday mode.
My hubby’s unwavering enthusiasm for college football.
How beautiful it is everywhere on the planet! Gorgeous!
Leaf peeping, sweater weather, changing seasons, pumpkin vs. apple, sleeping with the windows open.
It sounds so cliche, but my favorite thing about fall is the freshness of it. It seems to recharge me in the sense that you get to completely change the decor and clothing tastes. It’s the changing of the leaves and watching them fall. The air when you wake up seems different and more alive. You cannot beat going outside and breathing in that fresh crisp fall air. The different seasonings you cook with. Pumpkin pie, apple cider, soups and stews, the possibilities are endless. Pulling out your fall “clothing” and wearing that oversized comfy sweater with leggings. Watching the crops where we live being combined, it really truly is the simple things.

Cozy sweaters, warm fires, and the Mesa on Color Sunday.
Here you go:
These are a few of my favorite fall things…
I fully realize I am 100% basic, but I love fall. I’m not a huge fan of super hot weather, so fall is perfect – cool (or cold) mornings and warm afternoons. Yes, in Colorado it normally snows in September, but it doesn’t stick around. Usually. Hopefully.
I also pretty much love fall clothing – boots, jeans, sweaters, scarves, dresses with tights (give me a break – I’m over 40). I’m a Trey Kennedy parody.
I love fall food – squash, pumpkin, mushrooms, game, stews, chili. What’s not to love?
I also live for Halloween and start the costume process in September. This year we are Alice in Wonderland and it’s magnificent.
And finally, the colors. In 2020, we got a foot of snow on September 8th. No, that is not a misprint. It was 93 degrees the day before. As a result, we didn’t get any fall colors last year. This year is a whole different ballgame. Mother Nature is in her yellow, orange, and red glory.
I love all the things about Fall. Really, I love all seasons, and love living in a place where we have seasons. But Fall is definitely my favorite!
Cooler weather, sweaters, pumpkins and hay bales and leaves changing. Cooking comfort foods and cozy nights in front of the fire. Planning for Halloween – with coats, since it will probably snow. Costumes and kid fun and candy.
I’ve shared this before, but in our house, we change out the decor around the house with each season, and in the Fall we have two sets of decorations – the Halloween stuff, with jack-o-lanterns, scarecrows and such (and a bay window full of Halloweentown); and Thanksgiving, with all the turkeys, pilgrims and more. Pumpkins are a constant for both sets, and I love when I can pull out all the stops to decorate. The weather still drives the “feel” of Fall, though, and the leaves are finally changing outside, the air is cool and crisp, and I can’t wait to put on a roast or a pot of soup this weekend!
I do love the pumpkin spice – I know I have friends who don’t – and apple or pumpkin pie. Desserts follow the seasons, too, and all the things about Fall simply make me happy.
What are your favorite things? Do you love the cozy nights inside, or do you wish for warm beach time? Let us know! Share your favorites with us in the comments, and give us your feedback!
If you love this Group Q&A, check out our other Team Juggling Normal Group Q&A Topics.