How to Live Life on Vacation: Part 3
Six steps to take for you to live your real life as if you are on vacation!
Six steps to take for you to live your real life as if you are on vacation!
When you choose anticipation over comfort, you will stay engaged, inspired, and motivated, and your life will be bigger, more exciting, and more fulfilling than you hoped.
If you live your life like you are on vacation, it can be a mindset game-changer!
Sometimes, the biggest “teachable moments” in life come not from what we can teach our children, but from what they can teach us.
All of us have busy lives, and sometimes we all just need to take some time to sit down and enjoy each other. In our house, family dinner is that down time.
Summer parenting means you have to feed the kids regular meals and snacks, keep track of the extra summer camps and sports, and try to mediate when they can’t stand being in the same room for more than 20 minutes at a time!
Parenting is relentless. Love every minute – it goes by fast!
The choice to stay home and be the primary parent has been hard, but I wouldn’t change it for the world!
Birthdays, life goals, milestones – what do you keep track of?
After 3 babies in 28 months, then just surviving while chasing three little ones, I no longer felt equipped to keep up. This is what I did to change that!