Team Juggling Normal Q&A: Theme Words for 2021
Happy New Year! Team Juggling Normal is starting the year with a group Question and Answer on each of our personal “theme words” for the new year. Some of us may try some resolutions or challenges in individual posts, but for now, check out our short answers to get things started.

THRIVE. This year, I am going to live life to the fullest, ramp my consulting business back up, have fun with my kids, and thrive in all things.
Patience. For myself, my kids, and the world.
Oceans’ deep faith. I chose three words, because I’m a rule breaker. The intentionality behind it is to remind me that I am not in charge and faith is essential, not just a luxury as we continue to navigate uncharted waters.
“Do.” There’s so much potential packed into those two little letters. It’s one of the simplest words in our language, yet one of the most powerful. Reflecting on 2020, I was full of ideas that all seemed “almost there.” I sat on the precipice of pulling the trigger on various writings, videos, projects, and emails that I couldn’t quite execute. Plagued with self-doubt, anxiety, a mild case of depression, and general malaise, sometimes the simple act of just starting was too much.
2021 will be the year I will do things, however imperfectly. I pick an action word. Through the non-specificity of “do” there lies the freedom to change direction, to learn, to fail and to recalibrate. However, nothing changes without a prime mover. I will take action. DO. I will do.
So many choices! I am still working through a process to choose my theme word(s). My full list and my deliberation are detailed in this post on my site, Help Me Pick My Word of the Year, excerpted in part here.
I’m looking for the perfect word that captures what I hope for this year. See, 2021, for me, is a balm for 2020. Crucially, it’s not an overcorrect, but a rather matter-of-fact embarkation into what’s possible. I’m a doer, a driver, an achiever. To sit out an entire year was contrary to my natural state, and I have some pent-up energy to spend, so I want to channel it advantageously.
I’m ready, beyond ready really, craving actually, a change. I’m feeling a calling towards something bigger — a significant, life-affirming change. I’m thinking a new level of indulgence, trust, inspiration, creativity, a (how do you write the word that describes the sound you make when you) stretcccccccchhhhhhh. Ah.
So, stay tuned for my word. Or add your vote on my Insta page, here.
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