The season for snuggles and read alouds is here
As the crisp summer nights change to chilly autumn evenings and it begins to get darker earlier, my family falls into a cadence centered around comfort food from the slow cooker, early baths, and evenings in our jammies around the crackling fire reading books out loud. Sometimes hot apple cider or hot tea is tacked on to this routine, but without fail, it always delivers snuggles, coveted time together, and respite from our busy days. When we find good books, we can hold onto these moments longer because our children won’t budge hanging on to every word we read.

By a vote, I’ve included my children’s favorites if you want to give this memory making, time stopping tradition a try. I’ve included Amazon links (these are affiliate links, JN earns from qualifying purchases) just in case some of you might want to pick up your own copy of these great books!
Jack + His Favorite Read Alouds
Jack is tender and fiercely strong seven-year-old boy who loves adventure, baseball, and Legos. I was sure he was going to be a mama’s boy for life, but then I got demoted this year and his dad took my place. I often find him outside alongside John working on irrigation projects, stacking firewood, or leaning over the hood of the truck fixing something. Jack’s favorite books to date have included:
The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
How can we forget Brian Roberson’s adventure in the wilderness fighting for his survival? My girls loved this read too.
Henry and Ribsy by Beverly Clearly
This 1950’s classic is a great audible for car rides too because it holds even my attention and provides some good laugh-out-loud moments instigated by Henry Huggins constant knack for getting into pickles with his mangy mutt, Ribsy.

Madeline Jean + Her Favorite Read Alouds
Madeline is fun! Her sisters describe her as “a walking party.” She’s a spunky nine-year-old who makes us laugh and has a knack for finding the silver lining in everything. Even her bubbly personality can’t get enough of the Laura Ingalls Wilder series, which she reads over and over again transporting herself back into this world of days gone by.
Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
This series leads to so many good discussions about needs versus wants and truly understanding how lucky we are to have so many luxuries at our fingertips. We also like to pare books with food, so we’ve made maple syrup snow cones and homemade bread just like Laura did as a young girl.

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
This little storybook tells the story of our Savior in the most beautiful way and my kids, even now, cannot get enough of these quick renditions of Bible story classics like David and Goliath.
Tallie + Her Favorite Read Alouds
Tallie is creative and compassionate. She loves dancing and good mystery novels, but even more she loves to stow away on her rooftop outside her bedroom and craft…for hours. Here are her favorites for you:
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
A story of kindness. The book is so much better than the movie and the movie is amazing.
Maniac MaGee by Jerry Spinell
An inspiring story about an orphaned boy who becomes a legend while diving into themes of kindness, homelessness, poverty, and racism.
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
We read this during the COVID shutdown, and I would often find myself tearing up sharing with my children that this really happened because much of the novel is historically accurate. It was appropriate for my seven-year-old and my thirteen-year-old.
Piper Lou + Her Favorite Read Alouds
Piper is an eye-on-the-prize, responsible eighth grader who loves to care for and serve others. She loves sugar and babies and adores her little brother, Jack. She enjoys mystery novels like Ruby Redfort (not for a younger audience) and Roald Dahl books because they’re funny and they make her little brother laugh hysterically.
The Big Friendly Giant, George’s Marvelous Medicine, and Matilda by Roald Dahl
These short reads are laugh-out-loud funny especially if you can insert voices as the narrator.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
We read this award-winning classic a couple years ago. It was eye opening for my older girls who didn’t understand racism. We loved the main character, Cassie, wholly.
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis
Mr. Tumnus. Lucy. Turkish Delight. Aslan. A classic. The end.

I would love to hear your read aloud recommendations as we head into another season of cozy fires and snuggles. I still have Where the Red Fern Grows, The Mysterious Benedict Society, and Heidi on my list plus so many more! I hope these inspire you to try our tradition!
Linde declared English Literature as her college major and tested her love for books during those four years. After graduating with a BA and taking a reprieve from anything with a binding, she rekindled her love of reading and started a book club, currently in its fifth year, dubbed The Shared Shelf. You can reach her with reading suggestions at
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