When Mom is Down

What do you do when the universe sends you the message that you need to slow down? No, really. As moms, we don’t ever slow down. However, I seriously biffed it walking down concrete stairs after the high school play and broke my ankle two weeks ago. So…what happens when mom is down and out?

I broke several bones, dislocated my ankle joint, and have now had two different surgeries to fix everything I broke. I am in the middle of what will be a grand total of a month with my foot/leg elevated above my heart the majority of the time. While I can move around and do the necessary, I am supposed to just be sitting here with my leg up for another week and a half. Then…I’ll have another 5 weeks without putting any weight on my right leg. So, also no driving. In the middle of the All Baseball All the Time season.

Friends, like most moms, I don’t do sitting still well. I have worked my way through a few books, watched some movies and I can tell you that there is no good TV, no matter what time of day. I am thankful for sports playoffs – and the fact that we have two Denver teams that made it into round two.

The biggest thing I’ve reflected on this week? As we celebrated Mother’s Day this weekend, and I got my annual amazing meal of candied bacon and baked blueberry French toast – I am so thankful for my husband and kids. They have all really stepped up around the house and been super helpful while I’ve been stuck here with my leg up.

When mom is down, everyone else in the house has to adapt and take up the slack. Laundry, dishes, making meals (or heating them up), the taxi service to games and practices. Thankfully, my family has been amazing, and we have such a great group of friends and family who have also pitched in and helped out. My kids are taking on some more chores (probably a few things they should have been doing anyway) and dad is so much more effective at getting them to put their clean clothes away!

This is a whole new world in our house – and all of us are having some growing pains with all of it. I am so happy that my kids are not in the toddler stage. They can get themselves up and ready in the morning, use the microwave and toaster, and they’re pretty self sufficient when they need to be.

What would you do if an injury took you completely out of the game of life all of a sudden? I am trying to make the best of it, but I’ve had my grouchy moments for sure. I am following all the doctor’s orders – in the interest of walking and doing life like normal for the next 40+ years still to come.

We all know that accidents happen. I certainly would not choose to repeat this! However, I am trying to make the most of the situation, still give my kids some fun while I’m out, and keep up with all the things as much as possible from my perch on the couch.

When mom is down and out, life still happens. Unfortunately, I’ve missed the end of year dance recital, a few baseball games, one concert so far and one more still to come, and endless practices and other daily activities. My kids know that I love them and we’ve used Facetime a lot – even to help with finding clothes in my closet and bedtime routines.

So – if you face a situation like this, where you have an injury or illness that takes you out of the game for a while, make the most of the time you have, and take things one day at a time. Find ways to let your family still have fun while you can’t. Be kind. Be thankful. You will live to play and go far and wide once you get through each of the next steps in the healing process.

My next couple of months will be rough – including not driving or walking for another six weeks. But, in the grand scheme of things, I am so thankful for everything I have – most of all for my family and our village of support.

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