Team JN Q&A: Word of the Year 2022
Hello friends! Team Juggling Normal has been busy, juggling all the things and living our best lives as we all move into the new year…and we are a little behind on posting our theme words for 2022. We started this little tradition last year, and we think it’s a great way to look ahead to the new year with some optimism. It’s our way of skirting the idea of a new year’s resolution (how many of us actually follow those?), and trying to come up with something constructive. So, without further ado, here are the word of the year picks from us!

Kindness. I want to model kindness for my kids, my co-workers, and anyone else I am surrounded with. As I talked about last month in my post, Be Kind – really, life should be all about the Golden Rule.
Follow-through. In 2021, I had a lot of projects started, and plans I wanted to carry out for my business and family, but I ended up with a lot on my plate from a surgery that didn’t go as expected, continued heartbreak from still being separated from our expat family because of COVID regulations, and then a case of COVID that had some lingering fatigue problems. 2022 is my year to grow and come back stronger and finally tackle the things I need to get done, as well as dream big!
Distill. With so many different ideas, projects, goals and challenges swirling around, I will use 2022 to focus and clarify toward specific ends.

What are your theme words for this year? We don’t always set resolutions, but our annual tradition of coming up with a word of the year gets us into thinking mode, and motivates all of us to look ahead.
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