Living in the Moment
Celebrate life! Enjoy Spring! After the last year of craziness, I am trying to loosen up a bit and try out living in the moment more.
Celebrate life! Enjoy Spring! After the last year of craziness, I am trying to loosen up a bit and try out living in the moment more.
Friends, we are all juggling life and kids and home and family. And if that means that sometimes we are messy moms, that’s part of the deal.
What does “kid-friendly” mean to you? A family restaurant? Movies? Places? Take your kids everywhere, and show them the fun!
Who ever wrote “the days are long but the years are short” never lived through a pandemic with kids. The longest days. The longest year. Ever.
We are the examples our kids follow. And as adults, we have to keep going, keep showing our kids that we do the things, every day.
November is a time for gratitude, for giving thanks for all that you have and the people in your life. Take this time to count your blessings!
You only live once! Make the most of your life, every day. Live intentionally. Live your best life, always!
What extra mom jobs have you taken on this year? My least favorite? Technology Guru! It takes me at least double the time to find the answer.
Have you had one of THOSE mornings? You know the ones. Mornings with kids are always hard. We have all been there!
What do you love to do? Turn your “love” list into a “love my job” list! The best way to change your work/life balance perspective.