We decided that it’s good for all of us to do a little exercise every few weeks. Plus, it’s kind of fun to see our various thoughts broken down in one place. Hence, the Team JugglingNormal Question & Answer!

Think of this as our bi-weekly/monthly rundown on a general topic that you may also be thinking of. Enjoy!
Topic 12: Happy New Year! Team JN has all new theme words – our Word of the Year, 2022!
Topic 11: Our Favorite Things About Fall
Topic 10: What was your first job? And what did you get paid?
Topic 9: Favorite Childhood Books – yours and what your kids love reading now!
Topic 8: Spring Break Virtual Trip: Cruise Ships – yes or no? And why?
Topic 7: Happy New Year! Check out our personal Theme Words for 2021.
Topic 6: Happy Thanksgiving! From our tables to yours…
Topic 5: What are some of your favorite Halloween traditions?
Topic 4: What is in your Giant Mom Purse?
Topic 3: Quarantine Kid Stories! – featuring answers from Sara and Jaime
Topic 2: What is your dream trip? – featuring answers from Jaime, Sara and Kristi
Topic 1: How are you doing? – featuring answers from Sara, Jaime, Kristi and Kelly